
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Easy tips to speed up your metabolism

I strongly believe in the theory that each person has an "optimum level" of metabolism where their it will function at a level adequate for survival, so that minor shifts do not stress the overall system, will maintain an adequate amount of body fat for that level of overall activity allowing for minor shifts for sudden changes in environment... hope that made sense. The only time the metabolism goes over this level is when excess bodyweight could prevent immediate survival (like running from lions)

With that said, this "optimal level" is the level where one will maintain a decent amount of bodyfat for survival. Unfortunately, that level may not measure to the levels of bodyfat considered aesthetically attractive in modern society. Unfortunately, this optimal level is hard to induce nor maintain with the typical American levels of activity and dietary habits. So in order to acquire this level of metabolic burn (or at least as close as possible), here are tips/habits you should take on, and practice on a regular basis (not just every now and then)

1) Always eat breakfast, and within 1 hour of awakening
2) Get adequate sleep. Studies have show that fatigue can cause the body to store fat.
3) Eat smaller meals and more frequently
4) Stay well hydrated.
5) Exercise moderately at least 30 minutes "every day"
6) Weight train to increase muscle mass.
7) Each meal, make sure you get adequate protein, low glycemic carbs as well as mono & polyunsaturated fats (the good fats).
8) Limit saturated fat & avoid trans fats (the bad fats) as well as process sugars.
9) Weigh yourself weekly, preferably first thing in the morning after you use the toilet. (not daily, or further into the day)
10) Eat at least 3 or 4 servings of fruit & vegetables a day; for dietary fiber & necessary nutrients!

These 10 habits will allow you to raise your overall metabolism and make achieving a healthy body weight much more easily.