
Monday, November 8, 2010

VLOG Update- Gyms are NOT meat markets

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Behind on updating... my apologies

One of these days, my blog will have soooo many subscribers that if I don't update daily I am going to get bomb threats ;-) The world is so right when they say new habits are harder to take up than kicking old or bad habits.

Anyways, I think the NY Resolution rush is starting for me and I'm getting a stream of leads interested in having me get them ready for their little black dresses for New Years. I am really excited because the news keeps saying the country is coming out of the recession. Unfortunately, Vegas will be the last city to feel it because our economy is a direct reflection of the nations economy but with a few years lag. And although revenues are picking up at the casinos, the job situation for us has not. And without jobs, that means fewer potential clients for me and the gloomier the overall atmosphere of local Las Vegas remains.

Anywyas, I wanted to lend out some tips for those of you looking to get started on your NY resolutions to lose weight and get into shape. They say 90% of resolution-ers fail within the first few months of the year. And of course that goes back to the fact that it it's harder to pick up a new habit than it is to kick an old one. I think that has something to do with taking up habits being like starting a business, but on a much smaller scale. Most people just jump in blindly and try to go with the flow. Getting back into shape and losing fat is not something that you can just jump in and expect immediate results. Every detail must be planned out. If planning is not part of your programming; you are heading for failure. So let's get started on what it takes to make your NY Resolution to lose weight and get into shape happen

Step 1: Set your goals
WHAT is it that you want to do? Be detailed.
(I want to lose 25 lbs and be able to run a mile without being out of breath)
WHEN do you want to accomplish this goal and is the time frame, as well as the actual goal reasonable? (I want to lose 25 lbs and be able to run a mile easily by June. Reasonable... yes!)

Step 2: Write your goal down and tack it up somewhere where you can see it every day, and often throughout the day, even if it's only 3 times. The bathroom mirror is a great place

Step 3: Discuss your goals with those close to you. Spouses, significant others, cohabitating family members, coworkers and close friends are the biggest deal makers and deal breakers. If they are not supportive, they might hinder you from reaching your goals. Be strong and be clear to them that this is what you really want and please don't get in the way by offering advice or the typical "but you don't need to lose weight!". Such saying are actually subconscious tactics to prevent you from stepping outside THEIR comfort zones. Be prepared for this type of lack of support. It's actually natural for others to prevent you from achieving happiness via ways they wouldn't.

Step 4: Write down how you are going to achieve your goal. Seek out professional help if you need it. Keep in mind that 90% of successful weight losers have incorporated the professional help of a trainer and/or nutritionist or a well motivated and informed training partner. You will need a detailed program that puts your body on track. Weight loss is more than just "exercising" and "eating right".

Step 6: JUST DO IT!



Now go out there and get'em tigers !