Here a handful of tips to help you get an idea what mindset to get into about the industry.
Some tips from Trainer Jo
Getting that paid photo shoot. And how to conduct yourself until you do the job
1. Your physique is everything. It’s your calling card. It’s your vehicle into your career. It’s everything, yet still no big deal. Treat it like your education and maintain it. When you show up to the shoot looking like they expect, they won’t notice anything wrong. This is a good thing.
2. Finding the right balance between confidence and humility is crucial in this industry. Find yours asap! I like to say, think of yourself as “the sh*t” but don’t let potential employers know that J. Come across as an every day good guy/girl with the total package (body, beauty, brains and professionalism), and you will be larger than life in this industry. Bring this persona to the shoot ! ! !
3. Always be hasty when getting pertinent info to the hiring company/coordinator.
a. Know your measurements. If you are a professional model, you should be as close to photo shoot ready at all times. So knowing your measurements shouldn’t be an issue
i. Know: Height, weight, bust, waist, hips (lower hip measurement too if you got a big butt), clothing sizes in both misses and juniors, shoe size.
1. This is like knowing what skills you have. And they should never change in levels.
b. Create an email account specifically for work, so you don’t have to weed through your personal inbox or risk getting important stuff shunted to the bulk folder.
c. Consider buying a smart phone or iPad with web and email address. Sure you can wait until you get home, but I guarantee you there is a harder hustler out there who is going to get the gig instead because she has a Smartphone and checks her emails all the time!
4. Always be thorough, polite, professional and accommodating. Coordinators may or may not be working with a lot of talent, possibly a diva for a designer, under deadlines, etc. When having to wait on talent to finish a job, things can get frustrating. Remember, there are way fewer jobs than talent so make yourself stand out by accommodating them without seeming like a kiss-ass.
5. Remember “you” are being hired to sport “their” product. Think “what can I do for them”. Bending over a little bit backwards will go far in this industry. I am not saying bend all the way backwards until your spine snaps. Don’t let your personal preferences come into conversation unless asked. Or if you feel there is a gray area and you got a good idea. Don’t be self centered nor selfish. This is not about “you”.
6. Although I personally do not mind questions, I know there are many coordinators and agents too busy to answer petty questions that you should already know the answers too.
7. Do not EVER send outdated photos. Update your photos at least bi-annually and when you change your look. You should show up looking exactly like your photos. But also, don’t freak out if you cut an inch off your long locks…. This is a petty issue and will make you look silly. It’s when you go from blonde to brunette, or you cut bangs, or your add streaks. Or if you get breat implants. I am talking major changes.
8. Don’t show up NOT looking like your photos. And do not make photos when you are leaned out knowing that you will gain your weight back and have to diet a few weeks to get to that level of leanness when you land a gig. It’s a procrastinating industry; you WILL miss out on work if you need a few weeks to get ready for a shoot if you were chosen because of your photos you took after your last NPC competition. And if you sent photos of you at 10% body fat, and they need you this Friday and you show up at 20%, not also will you get sent away, you will never get work from them again AND everyone in the industry will hear about it L
a. Clark Bartram’s claim to fame is that he was (and is) always “photo shoot ready”. He always delivers! This is still a rare quality in the industry with plenty of room to mimic. Now, he is the most printed fitness model in history. If you don’t know who he is, think back to the 90s when EAS had the evolution of man billboard.
9. Ladies who suffer from the physical effects of PMS. Because bloating is an issue, try not to accept work on the days this occurs, unless you know how to overcome it (safe water depletion, zit cream, etc.) And do NOT pop zits the day before or of the job!
10. Before and at the job:
a. Get plenty of rest.
b. Do not eat high fiber food day before.
c. Do not do any major water or carb depletion before the job.
d. Do sip on water throughout the day.
e. Do not wear tight clothes or sunglasses within 4 hours of the job. Don’t want makes that need to be photoshopped out. Less work for them , the better.
f. Show up on time (which is 15 minutes early in the industry).
g. Be ready to take direction.
h. Show up hair and makeup done, unless instructed not to because hair and makeup is provided. Also, bring touch up makeup in case it’s an all day job
i. Bring healthy snacks. Fitness modeling can often require poses in isometric contractions. This is energy draining.
I am sure I left a few things out, but these are some important things to know about fitness modeling that will help further you into your career. Good luck and may the gods bless you in all your goals and aspirations!
Trainer Jo
Josephine Dalton
Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer