It's the story I hear all too often. People seeking to lose weight they gained over the holidays, moreover; the winter months. The truth is, the average person only gains 2 to 3lbs over the holidays, but weight gain over the entire winter months can tally up to over 10 lbs. Leaving people even more depressed.
So what is going on here? It's rather simple. Our evolution has dictated our bodies with a unique and amazing ability to put on fat, especially in the winter. Way back in the caveman days winter meant a shortage of food along with lower temperatures, less exposure to sunlight due to hiding from the elements and overcast or snowed out skies. Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin" because exposure to sunshine causes the body to produce more of it. During the winter months you are exposed less to the sun, which in turn lowers the amount of Vitamin D that is produced in your body. Lack of Vitamin D causes a dip in serotonin which causes a less happy mood, often causing the sufferer to be somewhat depressed, lethargic & lazy (low on energy). Low serotonin levels also leads to carbohydrate cravings, especially simple carbs. Giving in to your cravings most likely causes you to stuff yourself with carbs, which in turn causes your insulin levels to spike... which then causes your blood sugar to drop... which then causes you to get moodier and serotonin drops... which then causes you to crave more carbs... and cycle repeats itself and you gain fat !
What a wonderful way Mother Nature has made it so you could survive the harsh winters of her cruel but beautiful world. But now that you know that, here are some tips to help you get through the winter sugar cravings.
1- drink plenty of water
2- don't skip breakfast
3- eat every few hours, but smaller meals
4- make sure to get a decent amount of low glycemic carbs per meal (don't go too low or too high)
5- take your multi-vitamin (with plenty of Vitamin D)
6- exercise- it helps stimulate serotonin production
7- think happy thoughts
8- don't overindulge in holiday feastings
9- don't indulge in any mindless snaking
10- Get sunshine on your skin as much as possible.