
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A hot potato or a cold one?

Past few years, carbs have been demonized by a segment of the weight loss community that promotes low carb diets. But if you are active in vigorous exercise, you don't want to sacrifice your carbs because it will compromise your workout, therefore your results.

In the fitness modeling community, yams and sweet potatoes are rendered as one of the best carbs to eat to prevent insulin spikes and blood sugar drops. Potatoes, depending on how you prepare them, can range from high glycemic all the way to the low end.

First off, know that on the high end, baked russett potatoes take the prize
Surprisingly, boiled then chilled yams win on the low end ! ! No wonder a baked potato leaves you hungrier than sweet potatoe salad.

Here's a easy & tasty way to try yams

Boil yams until they are tender, cut them up into 1/2 inch slices. (don't remove the skin)
Spritz with grapeseed oil and sprinkle with Truvia and Cinnamon
Chill for an hour

wow...... quick and painless. No need to reheat. And for the sake of it's glycemic rank, you won't want to reheat them !!!

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Yams have a fairly low GI and won't significantly raise blood glucose levels, which makes them an excellent source of energy. I enjoy a moderate GI food prior to workout- which is very important when performing high intensity interval training- followed by a carb post workout to help replenish energy spent during exercise. Also foods rich in bulk provide a sense of fullness and keeps hunger in check.

