
Monday, October 11, 2010

Workout challenge for you!

Here's a mad back workout for you to try.... I challenge you. Grab yourself some 15-lb & 5-lb dumbbells and one 5 to 8 lb medicine ball.

1) 25-50 bent over rows
( 30 sec jumping jacks or jump ropes)

2) Full Body Plank + 25 to 50 x 1 arm(left) dumbbell reverse flyes
** In push up position, hands on floor directly below shoulder, dumbbell in left hand, thumb pointing out, raise left hand towards sky.
( 30 sec jumping jacks or jump ropes)

3) 25-50x Bent over Medicine ball raises
** Bent over, holding medicine ball in hands, at the knees, raise the ball up over your head then lower to start position slowly!
( 30 sec jumping jacks or jump ropes)

4) 25 to 50x Prone Dumbbell "Y" s
**Lie on floor (place rolled up towel under forehead), in a "Y" position.
Smallest dumbbells in hand, thumbs pointing up, raise hands slowly off ground then return to start position slowly. 25 to 50 times
( 30 sec jumping jacks or jump ropes)

Rest 2 to 5 minutes then repeat two more times. Good luck
Send video if you actually do them. I'll post them on my Blog


  1. Thanks for the workouts! They are great for first thing in the morning before work :)I don't have to leave the house and I only need minimal equipment. Perfect!
