
Thursday, July 8, 2010



By Trainer Jo

Las Vegas Personal Trainer

Summerlin Personal Trainer

Online Personal Trainer


- Focus on behavior change/Habits versus actual results. Results will come
Think of the process as a ball rolling uphill with the top of the hill being your goal. once you start, the ball starts to roll upwards. If you quit, the ball comes to a stop, then starts to roll backwards.

- strength train all body parts once a week. Cardio 5-6 times a week !

- try different variations of sets, reps & intensities

o Examples

§ 3 sets 25 reps intensities of 4 on a scale of 1 to 5 with 30 seconds rest.

§ 3 sets 12 reps Intensity of 4.5 with 90 seconds rest.

§ 4 sets 20 rep Intensity 3.5-4 with 45 seconds rest.

- Double your cardio. 30 minutes of moderate Intensity cardio first thing in the morning & another more intense 30 minute cardio session later in the day.

o moderate Intensity= a brisk walk, or any other mode where you can carry on a conversation without gasping for breath until the end of a sentence.

o more intense = 75-85% of your heart rate reserve (see trainer for this number)

- Shoot to eat 5 meals a day, with no more than 4 hours between meals

- drink at least 1 gallon of water a day

- never ever skip breakfast ! !

- eat all the cruciferous or green vegetables you want. try to eat at least 3 servings a day.

- plan & prepare meals ahead of time. Have shakes or bars at hand in case you can’t get to a meal in time or you are somewhere where you can’t make a meal (like in a car in traffic)

- cheat meals are expected….. after all, you are a human; a normal person. not a bodybuilder getting ready for a contest. DO NOT intend to eat mindlessly; this can lead to overeating and consuming calories you already burned. And you may end up feeling so guilty afterwards that you give up. instead, eat whatever foods you want but watch your proportions. Try to adhere to your Macros.

- avoid all saturated & trans-fats. choose fat choices such as olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, avocados & non-animal fats. keep your fat intake 10-205 of your total caloric intake

- 1 lb of fat = 3500 calories yet expends only 1 calorie a day when body is at rest… BUT… 1lb of muscle expends 30-70 calories a day at rest and takes up 1/3 of the space.

- Ladies, please don’t fear lifting heavy to build or harden your muscles. you will not bulk up like a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders spend hours and hours in the gym, eat a diet specifically for building muscle, and they also take a lot of substances (some illegal) to build muscle. It’s a full time job. If it were that easy to build muscle, they wouldn’t have to spend all day obssessed with it.

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