This is by far the best cookbook out there if you want recipes designed specifically for building muscle. Without proper nutrition, you only have 75% of the total picture! And no, it's not all about eating everything in site. You could do that but chances are if you don't have your macros finely tuned to your specific needs, you just may not be eating enough protein or carbs to efficiently build muscle, or worse yet, you may be eating too much carbs or fat which results in getting fat as well as building muscle.
The anabolic cookbook provide those macros just right for you, to maximize muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. Why not kill two birds with one stone instead of killing one bird and fattening up the other?
Below is proof that the recipes work. Big G (a hard gainer) put on 20 lbs of muscle in 4 months with just proper training and nutrition following the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook for his recipes. Visual Results Don't Lie !

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