the prep program for Love Always Gina's 90 Day Challenge starting January 1, 2012
I have put together this workout with simple traditional exercises that pretty much everyone already knows. What makes this old exercises work as a fat incinerator is how I string them all together and make them work for you. I designed it to work in conjunction with my Fit Beauty Bikini Diet
Click the photo of the workout sheet and get started. I have included one for each level of fitness: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced (See bottom "Notes" for the level you want to participate in).
See bottom of blog for explanation of exercises as well as exercise disclaimer.
- The Pre Bikini Conditioning Workout
[caption id="attachment_1791" align="aligncenter" width="332" caption="The Pre Bikini Conditioning Workout"]
[caption id="attachment_1786" align="aligncenter" width="323" caption="The Pre Bikini Conditioning Workout"]
Please note that I am using links to other video instructions all over the internet until I get my own video library made.
Step Ups
- Using some sort of elevated and stable surface 9 to 12 inches high, place right foot on top of surface and step up, bringing opposite left knee straight up and forward without touching the step. Try not to let right knee go beyond the toes. Bring left foot back down to ground, leaving right foot firmly on step. Repeat quickly.
- Repeat with opposite leg
- See Video
Bike Crunches
- Lie on your back with legs straight out
- Bring right knee towards your head and attempt to meet it with you left elbow
- While straightening out right leg (do not let foot rest on floor), bring left knee to meet right elbow.
- Alternate
- See Video
Push Ups
- See Video
- Lie on your stomach hands on floor next to shoulders, head hovering over floor
- Push body up off the ground keeping a straight line between head and feet (or knees if beginner)
- While keeping the body straight, with your arms lower your body to the floor. Try to keep at least 6 inches from the ground
- Push arms straight keeping body straight
- Complete novices or people lacking upper body strength.
- Start in the same manner
- But push your body up off the ground starting with your head, then chest, then hips & thighs, then knees... in a smooth motion
- Lower body to the ground in a smooth motion starting with knees, then thighs and hips, then stomach, then chest.
Jumping Jacks
- Stand straight with hands to the side
- Jump up in air and land with your feet just past hip width apart and when your land. Your hands should be traveling out and up towards the sky and should be directly over you head once you land.
- Jump back up and land in original starting position with your hands at your side.
Dumbbell Squats + Curls
- Stand with your feet just past hip width apart, and your toes pointed out slightly. You can stand wider, but point your toes in the directions of your knee caps.
- While squatting down (as if you were squatting over a toilet, not wanting to actually sit on it), bring your dumbbells towards your upper arm, keeping your upper arms still.
- Push off with your heels and return to the standing position while lowering the dumbbells back its original position as well.
- Squat Video add arm curls Video
TBall Situps (TheraBall aka Swiss ball, Resistaball, exercise ball, etc)
- Sit soundly on your exercise ball with your feet firmly on the floor, knees directly over your ankles and heels.
- step forward with one foot then then next, start leaning backwards allowing the ball to roll underneath you supporting your body.
- Stop when your body is parallel to the ground and the ball is directly under your midback.
- See Video
TBall Back Extensions (TheraBall, aka Swiss ball, Resistaball, exercise ball, etc)
- Kneel on padded floor with the ball in front of you
- Lean forward onto the ball so the ball rests underneath your hips, straighten out your legs and hold your body up. Use your arms to regain your balance.
- With your arms at your side (behind your head or straight above your head for more resistance), lower your upper body wrapping it around the ball until your chin is a few inches from the ball, use your feet to keep you stable.
- Activate your lower back muscles & glutes (butt) and raise your head and shoulders off your exercise ball.
- Lower your body back down and repeat.
- See Video.
Split Jumps
- Stand and step backwards with your left leg, keeping your right knee directly over your right heel.
- Lunge downward and then jump straight up, switching legs.
- Land with your left foot in front and right leg back, then lower you body back down bending your left leg, keeping your left knee above your left heel.
- Repeat. Both legs count as one repetition
- See Video. Take note, that unlike the video, I want you to take a deeper lunge and wider stance
- Stand (1st position) then squat down to ground, placing your hands on floor in front of you (2nd position)
- Quickly thrust your feet straight back and land int he plank position (3rd position)
- Perform one pushup (4th)
- Thrusts your legs back forward (3rd position)
- Jump straight up in the air as high as you can go. Land softly.
- See Video
Straight Leg Crunch
- Lie on back with your knees bent.
- Raise both feet to the sky, pulling toes straight down towards you
- You can squeeze your inner thighs together.
- Reach with both hands for your toes
- Lower your body back to ground slowly, but keep your feet in the air
- See Video
Alt'ing Windmill Planks
- Start in a plank position
- Bring one hand off the ground, and straighten it as you point it towards the sky
- Twist your entire body but keep feet planted in position
- See Video but you will do yours, alternating between side. Not all reps on one side (as in video)
Jump Squats
- Stand just past hip width apart
- Lower you body, bending your knees as if to squat
- Jump straight up in the air, land smoothly rolling from the balls of your feet to your heels.
- Repeat.
- See Video
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