Needless to say, nice butts are in. No man (even short white men) cannot deny those mesmerizing posterior lady lumps. And thanks to advancement of ethnic women into the mainstream, being told you have a "phat ass" is a compliment to brag about.
Ok, so you weren't born with it. Lucky you.... you can at least build it. No need for butt implants (like huge breast implants, that fad won't last long).
I designed this workout with your butt in mind. I value your butt. I value my butt. I totally believe in the advancement of booty. So here's to your hot butt! Ok now, do this workout three times a week for 4 weeks for maximum results.
Have fun!
- With legs slightly past hip width apart, and toes pointed out ever so slightly.
- Focus keeping your weight on your heels and blades of your feet, never on the balls of your feet.
- Focus on squeezing your glutes at the top of the rep, by thrusting your hips a bit forward, almost as if you had a tail and you were tucking it between your legs.
- Do not do these fast.
SIDE LUNGES Now from that position, go a foot wider on your stance, lean towards your right leg and do 50 lunges. - Make sure knees do not go over your toes and do not lean past your knee. - Try to keep your body upright over you hips as much as possible - Repeat on opposite leg
- Now bring your legs closer together, about hip width apart.
- Bend forward at your hips with your upper body is parallel to the floor and your knees about 1-5% bent.
- Do not hunch your back.
- Feel slight stretch in your hamstrings.
- You may use anything for balance. A chair wold be great
- lift right leg directly to the side, feeling your glute as if it was forming a crease.
- Do not worry about how high you lift your leg, as long as you feel a deep contraction of your glute muscle
- repeat 25 times
- repeat on opposite leg
- stand on a BOSU for an added challenge on your stabilizing leg
- Sorry no video for this
- Now do 100 of these (50 per leg)
- focus on that front heel and imagine your flutes doing all the work.
Repeat entire sequence if you think you're a bombshell!
Repeat 3 times with 5-10 lb dumbbells if you think you are a superstar!
And comment me to tell me how much you love me
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