
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jamie Spenner gets paparazzi'd after Model America

My stage coaching client, Jamie Spenner, got to experience something unique and never done on any stage of Fitness America. This past weekend in Las Vegas was the Fitness America Weekend, where over 600 competitors gather in hops to win one of the most prestige titles in the fitness competition world (Ms. Fitness America, Ms. Bikini America, Ms. Figure America, Model America and MuscleMania World).

Many are veterans trying for years. Many were former competitors returning to spice up their lives. Many are just stage junkies who love to compete; competitions give them more reason to stay in shape all year long. And many compete in hopes of having an influence in the fitness world.  Each competitor has his or her own reasons why s/he does what s/he does.

Jamie Spenner used to be well over 300 lbs. Today he is just barely over 200. At 5'7'', Jamie is not exactly a typical example of a Model America Competitor (a competition and search for commercial fitness worthy models) but he still got up on that stage. But not with the intent to win... with the intent to inspire anyone open to being inspired off the couch and into fitness.

Jamie strutted down the catwalk like he belong in that spotlight. His prop; a pair of pants he once used to fit snugly into when he was at his heaviest.  Many of his fellow competitors didn't get a single clap but Jamie elicited an uproar of applause once he unfolded his old heavy pants, thus revealing that he is a man who actually worked for his physique. No genetics or steroids. Only pure work and dedication.  During the swimwear portion at the finals, Jamie again proudly revealed his heavy pants, and received a standing ovation.


After the show, Jamie got paparazzi'd ! The show made him an instant star as many fitness professionals, fitness fans, family members and friends approached him for photos, chit chat, advice (give and receive), back pats & high fives. Two Chicago trainers even approached with tears in their eyes telling Jamie about their emotional ups & downs with their own transformation clients. The mother of the winner of the Women's Model America introduced her beautiful daughter to Jamie and chatted briefly.

After the contest was all done and over with and all the fans averted their attentions to the next competition, Jamie got to experience yet another special event. While shooting with fitness photographer Sanovia Nicole of SN2 Studios, Sanovia's sister shared her own transformation story with Jamie. She recently lost 103 lbs and went from overweight to HOT enough to eat!

How is it that an average American man who once weighed over 300-lbs could elicit such emotion during a pretty boy contest and outshine all his competitors? Why don't you go to his website and Facebook Page to find out?

Addtional note:  Jamie recently ran the San Francisco Marathon: July 31 and the December 5, the Las Vegas Half Marathon.  But his greatest accomplishment to date was inspiring his resistant wife to finally drop her guard and ask Jamie to train with her!







Trianer Jo

Watch as I whoop on Jamie in the gym

Link to YouTube Video

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